Andrew Brunson Update

Andrew Brunson Update

Recent announcement from World Witness regarding Andrew Brunson.

Andrew Brunson has been officially indicted “effectively calling sharing the Gospel a form of terrorism.” His court date is April 16th at 9:00 am. Pastor Brunson’s case has caught the world’s attention. President Trump himself, according to the American Center for Law and Justice, has demanded Pastor Brunson’s release on several occasions. However, based on Turkey President Erdogan’s recent demand to swap Pastor Brunson for Fethullah Gulen, it appears Brunson has become a political prisoner and bargaining chip for Turkey. No evidence has been put forth to substantiate any of the ridiculous accusations against Pastor Brunson. Pray that Andrew’s attorney will be allowed to access files that have been sealed up to this point, review evidence against him, and provide proper defense. Pray for the incoming Secretary of State, Congressman Mike Pompeo, who will be evaluating these actions by Turkey. Pray for the ACLJ as they work closely with the State Department, fighting for Andrew’s release.