Prayer Focus: Camp Joy

Prayer Focus: Camp Joy

PRAYER FOCUS: Please pray for Camp Joy FL this week. Camp JOY was established in 1980 by Mrs. Ann Brice and Mrs. Frances Sanders as a Christian Co-Ed camp serving teens and adults with intellectual disabilities. This week long camp is coordinated by our denomination’s Christian Education Ministries to help campers, counselors and staff develop and strengthen a Christian attitude in their lives, all having a great time singing, dancing, boating and learning about Jesus in a beautiful camp experience. Camp JOY enables us to enjoy the fellowship of one another in Christ with Aerobics, Bible, Crafts and Drama classes, followed by an afternoon of recreation. Each special needs camper is paired with a counselor and they will have the opportunity to participate in all activities and with each other, regardless of the ability of the camper. The attitude and actions of our staff will model Christ-like traits. Each camper’s unique talent will be utilized in a manner that will enable all campers and counselors to appreciate how our different gifts compliment one another as we are all God’s children. Join us for dessert and the Talent Show at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27 in the Fellowship Hall. Please pray for the safety and health of all our participants.