Kidz News: Ekklesia Family Dinner, Adult Classes, & Children’s Program

Kidz News: Ekklesia Family Dinner, Adult Classes, & Children’s Program

2017/2018 Kick-Off: Wednesday, Sept 6th 6:00-7:30PM

A brand new year of Ekklesia begins soon, and we hope your entire family can join us!  Mealtime begins each Wednesday at 6pm, and children (PreK-5th grade) and youth (middle and high school) are dismissed at 6:30 for their own programs.  Classes end at 7:30 PM.

This fall, children will be studying Old and New Testament stories of Moses and Jesus’ followers to learn how we are created to be like Jesus–in how we live, speak and think.  (Zip for Kids: I am…curriculum from LifeWay)