Prayer Focus: Marriages in our Congregation

Prayer Focus: Marriages in our Congregation

PRAYER FOCUS: Pray for the marriages in our congregation. Marriage is the foundational institution of human society, created by God for His glory and our enjoyment and fulfillment. Ask God that this glory and enjoyment would be evident in our families; that He would mold the thousand of moments shared between spouses each day into testimonies of His love and faithfulness. Pray that loving husbands would witness to the watching world of our loving God as they humbly give of themselves for the good of their wives and families. Pray that wives would honor their husbands with joy, cherishing them as they cherish Christ. Pray that sin would be exposed, and that repentance and forgiveness would be the rhythm of our lives. May the petty “battle of the sexes,” so assumed by our culture to be a normal part of marriage, be neutralized in the homes of First Presbyterian and throughout Christ’s Church, as couples live in mutual submission to Jesus.