Message from the Pikes

Message from the Pikes

Greetings First Pres Family,

We love you, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for welcoming us back into the fold during our time Stateside. We are grateful for the blessing of being here in our hometown and sending church. We haven’t gotten to speak with you all yet, but we look forward to getting caught up as we have missed you!

In case you haven’t heard, we are living in the church mission house and will be here for the school year. We remain employed through World Witness so this is a time of home service for us. The two year commitment to Grace Church Leith in Scotland is completed; World Witness has us here this year to first rest, and then to gear up for a new assignment. We are working with World Witness to discern next steps for our family, and we anticipate having another placement in the new year.

We humbly ask that you continue your prayers and financial support for our family. We rely on your support, and we cannot thank you enough for all you’ve done and continue to do to spur us on. We look forward to sharing more with you in the near future, and we hope to see you often around town and at First Pres.

Love in Christ,

Colby, Emma, Carson, and Reid Pike