Prayer Focus: Our Families

Prayer Focus: Our Families

THIS WEEKS PRAYER FOCUS: Pray for the families of our church. Pray that our parents will raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and will set an example of belief in Jesus and commitment to His people. Pray that we will be characterized not by the frenetic busyness of the world, but by Godly rhythms of regular worship together, sacrificial service to one another, and times at tables adorned with full plates and open Bibles. Ask the Lord that this might be a witness to the lost of His love for us. Pray not just for those with children, but for adult children caring for older parents. Pray that they might honor fathers and mothers by serving them gladly. Finally, pray for the single and the childless in our midst. Pray that the Lord would show them both His purposes and the joy of serving Him as they have been called. Pray that our families would focus on Jesus!