Prayer Focus: The Persecuted Church

Prayer Focus: The Persecuted Church

PRAYER FOCUSPlease be in prayer this week for our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world who are experiencing persecution because of their faith in Him. There are countless believers who are enduring much for the sake of the Gospel. Pray that the Lord would mercifully deliver them from such conditions. Pray that He would give them all of the grace, strength, patience, endurance, and hope that they need to face whatever trial they are experiencing. Pray that their faith in Christ would be witnessed by those around them and that many would come to faith through their living testimony, even those who are persecuting them directly. Pray that the Lord would make known those ways in which He is working even these things for the good of those who love Him, so that His people would glorify, all the more, His name. Pray that those of us who enjoy a greater freedom of religious expression would rightly give thanks to God and that our relative comfort would not lead us to inaction. Rather, pray that God would show us when, where, and how He is calling us to share in their suffering for the name of Christ.