Brunson Update

Brunson Update

As a result of U.S. efforts, Andrew Brunson has been returned to the prison that is not overcrowded, according to the ACLJ. And for that, the family and all who are praying for Andrew are thankful.

National and international efforts in Andrew’s behalf are intensifying, including ACLJ requests to:

  • Nikki Haley, U.S. Representative to the U.N., to raise Andrew’s case with the Turkish Prime Minister at the U.N. this week;
  • member states of the Council of NATO and the International Commission of Jurists to send a representative to attend Andrew’s trial in person, to ensure standards of international law are observed.

Efforts by U.S. Senators Lankford (R-OK) and Shaheen (D-NH) include the introduction of a bill to block the transfer of F-35 fighter aircraft to Turkey – clearly tying the measure to Turkey’s treatment of Andrew. The Senators are also pursuing targeted sanctions against Turkish officials, in addition to sending a strongly worded letter from 66 senators to Turkish President Erdogan, demanding Brunson’s release.

Though clearly the U.S. is fed up with Turkey’s actions, Erdogan continues to suggest the U.S. must extradite Gulen, the Turkish cleric residing in the U.S. and even hints they could broaden the scope of the investigation against Andrew and those close to him. As a result, the U.S. government seems to be changing their approach, and as the ACLJ states, “At this point, the sooner Turkey releases Andrew, the less pain they are likely to feel.”

Please continue to pray for:

  • Strength, protection and peace for Andrew and the Brunson family;
  • Andrew’s release and return to his family and country;
  • Necessary legal preparations by Andrew’s Turkish lawyer;
  • Safety for all involved;
  • U.S. government discussions/actions to be effective in gaining Andrew’s release.