Prayer Focus: Our Nation

Prayer Focus: Our Nation

PRAYER FOCUS: Please pray this week for our nation. Give thanks to God above for the blessings He has shown to our country throughout her history. Pray for her present leaders, that they would lead, make policy, and pass judgments in a manner that is humble, courageous, wise, just, and compassionate – to the glory of God. Ask Him to raise up future leaders who would lead us by His grace. Pray for our military, police, and other first responders who strive to defend us, to restore order, and to guard the freedoms such safety affords us. Ask the Lord to give them protection from enemies and compassion for the weak and defenseless. Ask the Lord to bless the Church that we may be salt and light among the citizens of the United States of America, displaying the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ so that others may praise the Father in heaven. Pray that God would bring spiritual revival throughout our land, with many repenting and believing in Jesus, being set free from sin and enabled to truly pursue righteousness in Him.

The flowers in the sanctuary this morning